I think the Master of this subject must be Arianna Huffington, and so here I extract from her New York Times article to profile her 10 favourite tips to improve well-being and performance
Pick a time at night when you turn off your devices — and gently escort them out of your bedroom.
Our phones are repositories of everything we need to put away to allow us to sleep — our to-do lists, our inboxes, multiple projects and problems. Disconnecting from the digital world will help you sleep better, recharge more deeply and reconnect to your wisdom and creativity.
Set an alarm for 30 minutes before your bedtime.
When you think of sleep as an actual appointment, you’re much more likely to grant it the time it deserves. Setting an alarm reminds you that if you’re going to get to bed on time, you need to start wrapping things up.
Sit down when you eat, even for a few minutes.
Eating on the run can make us feel like we’re being productive or saving time. But mindless eating while we are multitasking can lead us to consume more calories and is more likely to lead to bloating and indigestion. Instead, make it a meal — you’ll be less tempted to snack afterward.
Turn a sit-down meeting into a walking meeting.
Instead of sitting in a conference room, try walking with a colleague during a meeting. You’ll be less likely to peek at your devices, and the movement can help get the creative, problem-solving juices flowing.
Turn off all your notifications, except from those who need to reach you.
The more our phone buzzes at us, the more it conditions us to release cortisol, or “the stress hormone.”
Do an audit of your phone’s home screen to reduce time-sapping distractions.
Take just a few minutes to determine which apps you really need to use. Keep only “tools” that add value — not apps designed to consume more of your attention.
Let yourself be bored.
Next time you’re waiting in line or in traffic or for someone who is late for a meeting, embrace it instead of immediately looking at your phone or iPad. Unstructured moments can lead to inspiration, creativity, reflection and connection.
Block time on your calendar to manage your email.
Studies show that it takes an average of 25 minutes to refocus after being interrupted, so setting aside time for email can help you avoid constant inbox distractions.
Set aside a specific time (even 5 minutes) each day or week dedicated to worry time.
Write down or reflect on your worries and concerns. Don’t set any expectations about solving your worries or generating solutions, though you might find that solutions come naturally once you start reflecting.
Declare an end to the day, even if you haven’t completed your to-do list.
Effectively prioritizing means being comfortable with incompletions. Once you’ve handled the day’s essential priorities, recognize that in any interesting job it’s almost impossible to do all you could have done in any one day. By taking the time to recharge, you’ll return to work the next day ready to seize opportunities.
Extracted from her full article;
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